AOTO Electronics Participated and Sponsored 2018 InfoComm China, Chengdu

06 | 09 | 2018

On 2018 Sep 5th, the first 2018 InfoCommChina, Chengdu, was grandly inaugurated in the Western China International ExpoCity, attracting over 150 exhibitors worldwide and being the biggest AV show sofar in western China.



As the sponsor of the show, AOTO Electronicshas placed multiple displays in the halls. The latest Mini LED technology wasbrought to the show as well as the 136 inches stand-alone commercial screen and64K matrix controlling system, successfully gaining the attention from theinsiders and receiving great recognition. 


Bouquet from the host


The audiences could see the giant AOTOsponsored display once they enter the hall for registration. The seamlesssplicing is perfectly presented, showing exquisite images effects!


On registration site—the MXC  series


Moreover, AOTO sponsored a series of productsat the conference rooms and the VIP area. This also thoroughly shows that thebroad application of AOTO’s products.


Conference room——MXC series


In this exhibition, AOTO emphasized onshowing the new generation commercial display technology—Mini LED technology,CLD series, and the powerful 64K on load controlling matrix, showing the visitorsAOTO’s latest commercial displaying technology and its future strategicplanning.



AOTO’s latest Mini LED technology, on oneeffort, solving the problems and fragileness of standard fine pixel pitch LEDdisplay, which was being unable to maintain on-site and lacking uniformity ofbrightness; which definitely leads the trend of future commercial displaying.


The latest CLD 136 stand-alone commercialdisplay screen (Mini LED P1.5mm) was presented. Its superior displaying effectsand outstanding interactive functions help to enhance the efficiency of themeeting and facilitate the decision making.


Conference solution-- CLD 136stand-alone commercial display (Mini LED P1.5mm)


A humongous 3Ddisplay which is made of the M1.8C series was also shown at the booth.Audiences stopped by and were amazed by the vivid and extraordinary 3D effects.


HD 3D display screen--M1.8C series


The brand new 64K on load controlling matrixsystem applies the unified design and Web platform structure. It loads maximum64K*4K resolutions and supervises the external and internal temperature andhumidity, fan operation speed, supply voltage status. It could be accessed ondifferent platforms. It has an internal integrated wireless network so thatcould remotely control multiple devices. All these features perfectly meet thedemands from the large transportation command centers and security monitoringcenters for the large display screens. With AOTO’s superior color processingtechnology, images are perfectly presented even at low-grey-scale; it alsosupports 3D play function.


64K on load controllingmatrix system


In recent years, the western China market isrising and becomes one that could not be neglected. Due to the huge potentialsof the western markets, InfoComm China Chengdu is becoming the second biggestInfoComm show in China. Aiming at exploring the western market, as always, AOTOis bringing its most advanced technologies, products and solutions to meet therising audio and visual demands from the western people



AOTO Electronics Co, Ltd. (AOTO) is adiversified holding company registered in Shenzhen, China.

Under AOTO there are four key strategicbusiness units, including highest quality LED display, banking electronics,lighting engineering and sports operation.

Over the years we have grown to become aworld-leading display provider, offering a complete line of indoor and outdoordirect view LED display products. We are also proud that we were the firstpublicly held company in the LED display industry in China (Shenzhen StockExchange: 002587).

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